pharmacie - Anglais pharmaceutique - Health and medicine 

What are symptoms ? 

A clinical change in a person suggestive of disease or perceived by that person , several symptoms may present together to suggest a disease or exclude a disease. 

We can say :

- I have got a cold , a sore throat , a cough , a temperature , a stomach ache , chest pain , earache , a pain in my side , a rash on my chest , spots , a bruise on my leg , a black eye , a lump on my arm , indigestion , diarrhoea , painful joints , blisters , sunburn .

- I feel sick , dizzy , breathless , shivery , faint , particularly bad at night .

- I am depressed , constipated , tired all the time.

- I've lost my appetite , my voice 

- I can't sleep , my nose itches and my leg hurts .

What do doctors do ?

They :

- Examine you

- Take your temperature 

- Listen to your chest

- Look in your ears 

- Take your blood pressure 

- Ask you some questions and weigh and measure you befor sending you to the hospital for further tests.

What does the doctor or the nurse use the following things for ? (with answers )


What is the diagnosis ? 

- You've got flu / chickenpox / mumps / pneumonia / rheumatism / an ulcer / a virus / a wart.
- You've broken your wrist and sprained / dislocated your ankle.
- You are pregnant !!.
- You are a hypochondriac .
- He died of lung cancer / a heart attack / a brain haemorrhage / AIDS .

What does doctor prescribe ? 

- Take one three times a day after meals.
- Take a teaspoonful last thing at night.
- Rub a little on before going to bed each night.
- We'll get the nurse to put a bandage on.
- You'll need to have some injections before you go.
- I'll ask the surgeon when he can fit you in for an operation.
- You'll have to have your leg put in plaster.
- I think you should have total bed rest for a week.

What do you think the doctor said to each of the following patients ? 

- Anne with bad sunburn ==> rub a little ointement .
- Jo who's broken her leg ==> plaster.
- John who's off to the tropics ==> injections.
- Liz with a bad cough ==> syrup.
- Sam who needs his appendix out ==> operation.
- Rose suffering from exhaustion ==> total bed rest.
- Alf who's sprained his wrist ==> bandage.

What might the doctor ask you ? 

- Do you have health insurance ?
- Have you ever had any operations ?
- Are you taking any medications ?
- Are you allergic to anything ? 

What medical problems might you have if ... ?  

- You wear shoes that rub ? ==> blisters
- You eat too fast ? ==> indigestion 
- You smoke a lot ? ==> lung cancer 
- You go sking ? ==> a broken leg
- You stay too long in the sun ? ==> sunburn
- You play football ==> bruises 
- You eat food you're allergic to ? ==> a rash
- You run unusually fast for a bus ? ==> breathlessness 
- You eat food that is bad ? ==> sickness
- A mosquito bites you ? ==> an itch
- You get wet on a cold day ? ==> a cold
- You think you're ill all the time ? ==> hypochondria 



                                                                                           "Ce cour est fait par Dr.S.Fiala".