Pharmacie - Anatomy - Anglais pharmaceutique 

Organ system : 

- Brain = Cerveau 

- Lungs = Poumons 

- Liver = Foie

- Heart = Coeur

- Stomach = Estomac

- Kidney = Rein 

- Intestines = Intestins

- Skeletal system = Système squelettique 

- Muscular system = Système musculaire 

- Nervous system = Système nerveux 

- Circulatory system = Système circulatoire 

- Eye = Oeil 

- Ear = Oreille 

- Nasal canal = Canal nasal

Glands :

- Pancreas = Pancréas 

- Gall bladder = Vésicule biliaire 

- Adrenal gland  = Glande surrénale 

- Thyroid gland = Glande thyroïde

- Pituitary gland = Glande pituitaire 

- Pineal gland = Glande pinéale 

- Hypothalamus = Hypothalamus

Common vs Anatomical terms : 

Common name                            Anatomical term

Head                                                              Cephalic

Neck                                                              Cervical 

Skull                                                              Cranial

Face                                                               Facial

Eye                                                                Orbital or Ocular 

Ear                                                                 Otic

Cheek                                                            Buccal 

Nose                                                              Nasal 

Mouth                                                           Oral

Chin                                                              Mental

Chest                                                            Thoracic

Abdomen                                                     Abdominal 

Navel                                                           Umbilical

Hip                                                              Coxal

Shoulder                                                     Acromial 

Back                                                           Dorsal

Arm pit                                                       Auxillary 

Arm                                                            Brachial 

Front of elbow                                            Antecubital 

Back of elbow                                            Olecranal 

Forearm                                                      Antebrachial 

Wirst                                                           Carpal 

Palm                                                           Metacarpal 

Thumb                                                        Pollek 

Fingers                                                       Digital or phalangeal 

Anterior surface of hand                            Palmar or volar

Posterior surface of hand                           Dorsal

Thigh                                                          Femoral

Front of knee                                              Patellar 

Hollow behind knee                                   Popliteal

Leg                                                             Crural 

Calf                                                            Sural

Ankle                                                         Tarsal

Toes                                                            Digital or phalangeal 

Sole of foot                                                 Plantar

Heel of foot                                                Calcaneal 

Signs and symptoms : minor illnes or major disease ? 

Symptom :  a clinical change in a person suggestive of disease - perceived by that person , several symptoms may present together to suggest a disease or exclude a disease.

Examples : cough , tiredness , aches , chest pain , breathless , indigestion ( symptoms are more general ) .

Sign : a clinical change in a person , which may be observed by a clinician and indicate a disease.

Examples : changes in skin (colour , marking " jaundice suggests liver disease ) , digutal clubbing , heart murmurs , sounds on listening to lungs ...

Signs and symtoms may be trivial : reflecting either trivial or serious underlying disease .

Example : cough

cough in a 2 year old : viral infection / cough in a 60 year old : lung cancer 

2 year old with cough :  

- Is it nocturnal ? might be asthma 

- Is it productive ? might be bacterial chest infection 

- Is it productive of vast quantities of sputum (colour/with blood) ? might be bronchitis due to alveoli being dilated 

- Is it a dry cough ? might be a viral infection 

60 year old with cough : 

- Have they ever smoked ?

- Dry or productive ? 

- How long have they had it ? 

case 1 : cough of recent onset => viral infection 

case 2 : productive cough with green sputum of recent onset => actue bronchitis 

case 3 : smoker , productive cough over many years , grey or sometimes green sputum and blood staining , worse in winter => suggests chronic bronchitis with actue infections 

case 4 : smoker , persistent dry cough , other signs which may include : coughing up blood , digital clubbing , pleural pain , weight loss , CNS changes including fits => should arouse suspicion of cancer 

case 5 : productive cough with blood , weight loss , night sweats => should arouse suspicion of TB ( tuberculosis) 

case 6 : cough , breathless at mild exertion or lying down in bed at night => might point to pulmonary oedema ; due heart failure (cardiac asthma) 

Chest pains : 

- Often musculoskeletal (when no explanation)

- Respiratory (eg: asthma)

- Gastric origin /indigestion , reflux , oesphagitis 

       relationship to food? (could make better or worse)

       relieved by antacids? (peptic , gastric problem)

- Angina / induced by exercise , emotion stress

       pains down arm ? pains radiating to jaw ?

       relieved by rest 

- Heart attack / severe chest pains ,not relieved by rest (call the ambulance )

       nausea ? 


       Pains down arms , jaw ?


- Congenital ,eg : hole in the heart 

- Infection ; acute bronchitis , pneumonia

- Inflammatory ; asthma , chronic bronchitis

- Neoplastic ; lung cancer 

- Haematological ; anemia

- Psychogenic ; panic attack 

- Degenerative ; emphysema , fibrosis

- Cardiac ; myocardial infraction , LV failure 

- Thromboembolic ; embolism

- Functional ; exercise , pregnancy , obesity 

- Latrogenic ; beta-blockers , NSAIDs

Indigestion : 

- Could be acid stomach / dyspepsia 

- Overeating 

- Reflux oesphagitis 

- Peptic ulcer 

- Stomach cancer (over 45 years raises suspicion => refer)

- Cardiac origin ?

Role of the pharmacist :  

- To respond with advice and where necessary counter prescribe for minor conditions which would respond to OTC (over the counter ) medicines.

- Recognise potentially serious symptoms and refer to GP (general practitioner) or A,E (accident and emergency ).

- In general , the following should be referred :

       symptoms that are potentially serious.

       persistent symptoms .

       patients at risk.

Special groups : 

- Babies and very young children

- Elderly 

- Diabetics 

- Asthmatics

- Pregnant or breast feeding

- Immunocomprur 

ce cour est fait par Dr.S.Fiala